... of the Church, stretched between the Church's interior (Lumen gentium) and its ... ://jakomonchak.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/john-xxiii-opening-speech.pdf.. Lumen Gentium § 1 . 30. ... 2001 ) , Http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr69.pdf , which includes a summary of Drew Christiansen , " Catholic Peacemaking .... DOOHAN Leonard, “Lay People and the Church”, http://www.theway.org.uk/Back/32D oohan.pdf, ... nd_addresses/20131010-Lumen-Gentium.pdf, 19.07.2016.
Lumen Gentium 11-21. November 20, 2009 0 Comments. Podcast Available for Premium Subscribers .... ... eventually deleted in what became Lumen gentium (the whole document, of course, changed tremendously). ... com/2013/07/draft-ofde-ecclesia-chs-1-11.pdf.
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Brian Gleeson, “Commemorating Lumen Gentium: A Short History of a ... 2, http://aejt.com.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/395655/AEJT_3.12_Gleeson.pdf.. Lumen Gentium identified three categories: (1) bishops, priests, and deacons are all ordained clergy and members of ... uscCb.org/laity/laymin/co-workers.pdf. 4.. Although the manner of being joined is not specified in Lumen Gentium §14, the ... ,_In_Evangelium_Joannis_Tractatus_CXXIV_[Schaff],_EN.pdf (accessed Aug ...
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